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Senin, 25 November 2013

Surat Permohonan

Numbers      : Spesial                                                                                 North Aceh, 19 September 2018
Attachment : 1 Files
It                     :  Job application

To The Honorable,
Mr. Chairman PT
exon CAR

    With Regards,
         I, the undersigned:
  Name                                  : Ririn Marisa, S.Ant
Place / Date of Birth        : Kuala Simpang, May 14, 1995
Address                                               : Village Rose Village, Bukit Rata, Vocational districts Young Tamiang district
NoHp: 0823
XXXX 6496

Hereby apply to be accepted my father so that the father led the company as an expert staff, helped me attach herewith:

1. Copy of Identity Card
2. Copy of Family Card
3. Copy of Diploma S1 Anthropology
4. Photo size fits 3x4 2 Sheet
5. Life history list
Thus I submit this letter of application, for your attention and The cooperation, I thank you

                                                                                                                                                 I'm Yours

                                                                                                                                            Ririn Marisa, S.Ant

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